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Opportunity Details

Legacy (OP)

Orange Park
Serving Teams Jax

Respond to this Opportunity

Additional Information

Thank you for signing up  for the Serve Team. When we participate with others in serving God's people, we build strong relationships, while growing together in our walk with God.
*City | State| Zip:
*Date of Birth (mmddyyyy):
*Mobile Phone:
In order to maintain health we ask that Serve Team members choose a service to participate in worship and message, and a service to serve during. Please select the time you are available to serve at your location.:
*Service Time:
Are there other conditions we need to be aware of? (Medical, Physical, Emotional):
By my electronic signature below, I certify that the information contained in this application is true and complete with no omissions and not misleading in any way. Should my application be accepted, I agree to submit to the policies and procedures of Celebration Church and to refrain from unscriptural conduct in the performance of my service on behalf of Celebration Church.
*Electronic Signature:
Typing your name above is your electronic signature and binding in the above agreement.